Melissa A. Butler

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A Picture Book List from my Heart

My absolute favorite thing to do as a Kindergarten teacher was to read books aloud to my children. I read aloud a minimum of three times per day, often more. Picture books, poetry, rhymes, songs are what children need—it’s what opens them up, what invites them into the world, and what invites them more deeply into themselves.

Over the past (almost) three years no longer teaching in a classroom, it is surprising to me—and at the same time not at all surprising—that I have come to find myself writing picture books. As I write each day in my studio surrounded by the books I had in my classroom for over two decades, I feel deeply connected with children. Connected with all of the beautiful children I taught over the years, and also with children who I have not yet met or may never meet.

I believe picture books, especially when read aloud, create a sacred space—a space of stillness, of presence, of transcendence, of being enough as you are and also allowing yourself to expand to the fullness of who you might become.

Today as I was drafting a new story, I thought of a transition moment in a favorite book and went to find it on the shelf. Before I knew what was happening, I was pulling all sorts of books off my shelves and making a pile of what I would absolutely be reading aloud right now if I had a group of children surrounding me on a carpet.

Since this scene of 5 year-olds spread out on a carpet—wide-eyed, bated breath—is not the scene of my present moment, I took some pictures of the books in my pile and share them here now with you.

There are a couple of new books in this collection, but most of these are older, and many show the years of children’s holding and love. There is no order to this list nor is there any intention in the combination of books in each photo. And, of course, this is only a sampling. There are many more books I could find for a list of books to read aloud right now to children. This collection came from my heart and is what I pulled from my shelves right now saying, “Oh, we need to read this one… and this one… and, oh yes, this one, of course…”

I delight in the thought that some of you, dear readers, will find one of these books and read it aloud to a child who you love.

With light, melissa

Slow down, notice more.